STOCKTON : May 1997 - Sept 1, 2010My heart has been heavy for several days now. Knowing that it was Stockton's time to go. Today at 4:20 pm Stockton passed away very peacefully with Dave and I by his side. We snuggled and comforted him as he passed on to the next life. I cannot explain the loss that I feel or the pain in my heart. All I know is that it hurts bad and I pray that I will be able to feel peace eventually. It is hard letting go of such a sweet, loyal, and loving spirit. Stockton was my very first dog and Dave and I picked Stockton to be part of our family right after we got married 13 years ago. He was really our first baby and has been through everything with us. We are going to miss all of his kisses, gentle nudges, playfulness, and unconditional love. The hole in our hearts is very big today. We are choosing to think of him pain free, happy, and youthful, frolicking in a lush meadow with all his doggie friends. In a place where there is plenty of love, sunshine, fresh water, and cool breezes. We love you sweet "bubby". You are forever in our hearts.
Beyond The RainbowAs much as I loved the life we had and all the times we played,
I was so very tired and knew my time on earth would fade.
I saw a wondrous image then of a place that's trouble-free
Where all of us can meet again to spend eternity.
I saw the most beautiful Rainbow, and on the other side
Were meadows rich and beautiful -- lush and green and wide!
And running through the meadows as far as the eye could see
Were animals of every sort as healthy as could be!
My own tired, failing body was fresh and healed and new
And I wanted to go run with them, but I had something left to do.
I needed to reach out to you, to tell you I'm alright
That this place is truly wonderful, then a bright Glow pierced the night.
'Twas the Glow of many Candles shining bright and strong and bold
And I knew then that it held your love in its brilliant shades of gold.
For although we may not be together in the way we used to be,
We are still connected by a cord no eye can see.
So whenever you need to find me, we're never far apart
If you look beyond the Rainbow and listen with your heart.
cg - 1995
I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your dog. I saw his birth date and realized that he's the same age as our dog and I've had this foreboding feeling that it's not too long till it's her time to go. One article that I always think of when I hear of a dog passing away is the following. Perhaps it might help (although a tissue is highly recommended).
Cody thank you so much for the article. I am sure your family will know when the time is right. Lots of love to you and your family. :O)